Despite many reports and much talk, Kent’s Air Quality does not
seem to be improving. Medway has merged what was previously six Air Quality Management
Areas into three – one very large and two smaller. Tonbridge and Malling Council
recently rejected traffic calming measures for Tonbridge Lower High Street which
has been an AQMA since June 2005. They also refuse to consider pedestrianisation
of the High Street proposed by local
campaigning group PATHS (Pedestrianise Action Tonbridge High Street). Sign
their on line petition at:
The religion of the car is well and thriving in Kent, in particular
West Kent, much to the detriment of human health and wellbeing.
So, if our Councils won’t consider the obvious solutions to
poor air quality, pedestrianisation and traffic calming, what remains? The University
of Oxford conducted a three year study into ‘Ivy on walls’ for English Heritage
on a variety of sites around the country and came up with some surprising
results. In areas of heavy traffic, ivy reduced particulates , which are the
main cause of respiratory problems, by 60 – 85 %. Ivy was particularly effective
at reducing the smallest particles. See
As regards the concerns voiced that ivy can damage walls,
the study found that ivy would root in existing defects, but caused no damage
to walls which were already damaged. In fact, ivy covering on walls reduced
damage by fluctuating temperatures and freezing.
More recently Transport for London has established its second
green wall at a pollution hot spot in London. A study by Imperial College of the
first London green wall on the Marylebone Road has shown that, green walls
planted strategically can reduce air pollution by 30%, much greater than the 5%
achieved by conventional street planting.
So what are we waiting for? Why is Kent still in the dark
ages as regards combating air pollution. Get planting at your pollution hot
spots – and then pedestrianise!
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