Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Will we be flooded by Romanians and Bulgarians? The great immigration debate – again

Kent Tories are worried that we will be overrun by Bulgarian and Romanian immigrants when these two new European Union Members States are given full free movement of people rights in January 2014 – rights already enjoyed by the rest of us, including the UK.

The Tory leader of Kent County Council has commissioned a report on the potential effects of these migrants on Kent: strange, because we already have a report commissioned by the Foreign Office which clearly states that Bulgarian and Romanian migrants are unlikely to head for the UK. They are far more likely to go to Spain and Italy and perhaps Germany. That’s for reasons of language compatibility.

Any migrants who do come to the UK are likely to be young, relatively healthy and looking for work – not benefits. They are unlikely to place many demands on our public services.

Given that this will not happen until January 2014 the timing of this Kent report is surprising – perhaps it has something to do with the threat of the UK Independence Party taking Tory votes at the upcoming Kent County Council elections? 

I think we should be told.

1 comment:

  1. I always wonder why everybody in UK speaks about 2014, when the Romanians and Bulgarians started to constantly arrive in Britain ever since 1990? Oh, I understand, UKIP wants to come to power by all means and there is no other scapegoat enough good to convince the UK citizens to vote them. It seems that (after being elected) UKIP will cover all the roads of UK with milk and honey and UK will suddently become a "heaven on earth", right?.
    In the meantime, the hate is still maintained by the British media and nobody cares to know/read/learn at least that the Romanians are a latin, orthodox people and the Bulgarians are slavic, orthodox people, while there are nomad gypsies with Romanian and Bulgarian passports that have nothing in common with these two people or with the other people living in Europe.
    When everyone talks about "migrants " and "immigrants", UK citizens in the same situation call themselves "expats"! Yeah, great ! It's just the same useless arrogance and double standard: "WE and the others"...
    We, Romanians and Bulgarians do not forget one thing: we are what we are now, we have the degree of progress and "civilization" that we have now due to one person that decided to throw Romania and Bulgaria in the hands of Stalin. That man was Winston Churchill.
    Of course, UK citizens don't know how the "elite", the rich and the middle class was exterminated in Romania and Bulgaria. They don't know how many millions of inocent people were killed or how may of them died in prison. They didn't feel the fear and the shortcomings and they don't know how is it to work 10 or 12 hours per day, including Sundays. They don't know how their relatives were humiliated and persecuted.They just have a very low opinion (permanently induced by the media) about the Romanians and Bulgarians, without knowing anything about them, about their real history, about their culture!
    The above words are not an indictment.I only wrote after reading a lot of UK newspapers and a lot of real history facts.Thank you for your kind attention !
