Just imagine you are living in a foreign country – let’s say
Australia, just for the sake of your imagination, and the Government decides
you are a threat to national security. They lock you up but don’t tell you what
the charges are. They threaten to deport you to another country which wants to
put you on trial for crimes for which the only evidence is statements obtained
under torture. How would you feel? Would you feel affection and loyalty towards
Australia or would you feel resentful and perhaps even want to strike back at
the unfairness of it all?
The Government is furious that a judge has freed Abu Qatada.
In a land which prides itself on its democracy and the rule of law we have kept
someone incarcerated for six year without charge and without trial. Yet the Government
wants to continue to keep him in prison.
They claim he is dangerous – he does seem very unpleasant
from what is reported about his preaching, but that is not (yet) a crime. However, they have no evidence to
put him on trial and the evidence in Jordan was obtained by torture – just how
reliable can such evidence be?
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