Thursday, 19 January 2012

Politics can be fun

Kent Green Party put on a hustings for European Election candidate hopefuls at the weekend. 13 of the 18 possible candidates attended. As there are only 10 places on the list this will be a very competitive selection process.

The most interesting question for me in a very lively debate was on immigration. It’s a question that often comes up on the door step and there are many myths. Not all immigrants are illegal – despite what the tabloid press say. The biggest category of legal immigrants is international students. As well as paying very high fees which prop up our university system they also spend money while they are here.

Luckily recent reseearch by the Oxford Centre for Migration has shown that the general public are far more tolerant of immigration than our politicans - or the tabloid press.

Kent Green Party has a report on our immigration policy on the web sitec at Scroll down the page to 'miscellaneous' to find it.

Do have a look at it. The title: Legal Fair and Safe. That is the kind of immigration policy we need

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